What is ISO in camera | LAL PICTURES STUDIOS


one of the most asked questions from the beginners or the ones who are trying to take photos from automatic mode to manual mode. Whichever you are iso is one of main parts of the photography.
You may have doubt that is that any difference in ISO in Smart phones and Digital cameras.
There is no difference between the settings in the smart phones and digital cameras. 

What is ISO in camera | LAL PICTURES STUDIOS

  • What is ISO

  • How to set the ISO

  • When to use lower ISO and higher ISO 


In the simple terms, iso is a camera setting which helps to let you take picture brighten or darken. Which means iso will helps to take pictures in darken areas or brighten areas in the same time with different values.
With higher ISO values, you can capture beautiful pictures in the evening or night .As you increase your ISO number, your photos will grow progressively brighter
The same time you have to decrease to minimum ISO value in the day light, in other hand you have to use the lowest ISO value in the natural light.

What is ISO in camera | LAL PICTURES STUDIOS


Each camera may have different ISO values that you can use in the different situations. These are the main values includes in every camera which is also same in the same in the every smart phones.

  • ISO 100 (low ISO)
  • ISO 200
  • ISO 400
  • ISO 800
  • ISO 1600
  • ISO 3200
  • ISO 6400 (high ISO)
However there is also a consequence in using higher ISO to take pictures. the more you increase the ISO, there is chance for the noise (grains) in the picture and the quality may have to be decrease in the higher iso setting. 
Always try to capture in the base value which will be 100. IN some camera that may be 200. However you have to choose the lowest value for the better results.

What is ISO in camera | LAL PICTURES STUDIOS

When to Use Low ISO and Higher ISO

As discussed above, you should always try to capture in the lowest ISO (base ISO) of your camera, which is ISO 100 or 200, whenever you can. If there is plenty of light, you are free to use a low ISO and minimize the appearance of noise as much as possible.

Some photographers think that the best way to capture high-quality images is to use low ISO 100% of the time. However, as we discussed above, its not always be same. Sometimes, you will be in dark environments when you have no choice but to use a higher ISO but you have to decrease it as possible because higher ISO will let the noise (grains) and it may destroy your entire effort with one mistake.

How to set ISO

What is ISO in camera | LAL PICTURES STUDIOS

No matter you are using smart phones or digital camera, its pretty simple to set the ISO. 
For that, first step is you just out from the automatic mode in camera. 
And select the manual mode in the digital cameras and pro mode in the smart phones. 
Now you can manually set the ISO in your camera as the environment and take the photos.

Setting correct ISO only won't help to you to be the pro photographer, for that you have manually set the other opting options as well such as SHUTTER SPEED AND APERTURE.

And we will helps you to cover in that upcoming posts 
