Photography Tips For Beginners | Mobile Photography

 Photography. Capture a great moment in a photograph is not simple as looking in pictures and  taking night photographs is more difficult, can't take as taking in day lights. Small mistakes can let the image to bad. Even with the correct lights, correct settings won't give us the results as we expected.

so many factors are important for capture a beautiful moment in your camera.

so we are going to cover each part in future posts and this is only a introduction for the upcoming posts.



ISO is one of the essential part of the photography.

ISO is your camera's sensitivity to light. Less ISO means low sensitivity to the light and high ISO means high sensitivity to the light. always to use it as minimum for the images 

photography tips | night photography | lal pictures studios

Patients is always be the most important things that should a photographer required. 

A photographer should always wait for their right moment and they should always expect the moment that you are looking for and that moments don't may wait for you.

photography tips | night photography | lal pictures studios

In modern life photography, editing has a big roll in photography. An excellent editing let the images to the next level. software and apps are easily available in nowadays.. 

softwares like "Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom" are the best in section. Mobile versions of these are also available in mobile apps stores.  Day by day new apps are releasing in the stores.

With a decent mobile phone or dslr camera with some editing knowledge and some creative mind, you can,nop. anyone can create wonders.. 

photography tips | night photography | lal pictures studios
